Tuesday, October 16, 2012

When is Enough, ENOUGH?

School days are mostly from Monday up to Friday. Almost 72% of students' days in a week is spent on school. Every day, at least 6 to 10 hours per day were spent on school. If we estimate the total hours spent on school, inside the classroom, of an average student it can be about 45% of time a year. Do you think that's a worth of their time? Wouldn't there be other much better things to do with that allotted time? Not to mention, we're only talking about the time spent inside the classroom and the after school activities are not yet included. So, if we added that in the computation of the percentage on time spent in school and other related activities; the figures will be much higher and can even reach the 50% level which is for me is too much. Would you agree?

Look at this study on the percentage of students who spend number of hours in daily homework. We can see that our country, Philippines, has higher percentage on elementary students than on middle school students. What maybe are the reasons? Let's have a reflection about it. If you're a teenager or you have a teenager then try to picture out what maybe the reasons are.

DISTRACTIONS -- This maybe the answer why. Like the following: Side by side mall there; Online, arcade, and other types of computer related games; Social networking sites like Facebook and twitter: Texting and chatting; or other new leisure introduced to our generation today.

What can we do about it? Of course, when there is distraction try to regain their attention to what is important. If teachers cannot help students to aid these issue then, surely parents can with their children. All they have to do is to know what to do after, apply it.

This article that I've read can be the first steps to parents-children right teamwork onto homework making; Tips On Getting Your Teen To Do Their Homework. Explained with my own understanding, these are some ways cited on the article :

  • Create an environment geared toward your teen. According to the article, put yourself on your teenager's shoe. After a long day at school, homework is the last thing they wanted to do. First, find where your children is most comfortable in your home to do their work and if possible, provide them all the things the might need with their school works. So, they won't have to worry to go look for things and just focus on what they must do.
  • Pick a time and stick to it. Make a routine that your child will follow. It's much better if there is a agreed time on when to do homework, so that they won't have any reason to not do it. Also, give consequences. If they don't do their homework on the agreed time, it is understood that there will be a punishment.
  • Don't let your teen overwhelm himself/herself. Too much of a good thing is still dangerous. Be reminded, that this teenagers are still teenagers. Too much pressure and workload is not good for their age. Never cross that line wherein making them to do too much can even cause something much worse.
  • Now drop it! This means that parent's should be involve in making their child's homework or activities but limit it as much. Do not do any of their work. Parents' job is motivate, guide, and answer their child's question if there is.

There is a fine line between enough and too much. Teachers, students and even parents should take note on this matter. Having the right balance on things should always be observed even in the most smallest things like homework. Because an imbalance in something may lead to an irregularity on another thing which can be a domino-like effect and it'll be much harder to fix if many variables had already been affected. So, let's start from the bottom of things. Let's start from homework. 



Unknown said...

Post #6: 10/10

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