Monday, October 29, 2012

Homework, Homework and Homework Again.

Have you ever told yourself any of these lines: "Oh! A homework. Yey me!", "I have a homework. This is awesome." or "Please teacher give us homework." Well, as for me, never in my life I said or even dared to utter those words for who even wants homework and second, all my classmates will kill me. But the thing is, why is these situations seems to be impossible to happen? A student liking to do homework.

The obvious answers will be like: "It's much fun just to watch television, play computer games, hang out with my friends than to go study AGAIN and do homework" or "I've been in the school all day in every five days of a week then in my own home, I'll still go study and make things much harder for myself." But dear students, homework can really help you in the future big time. Though it may not be academically but in other things like skills.

As what parents and teachers most often tell students, "It's a great investment for the future". And these saying, I do agree and disagree. Why because it is true for it has really good results for students but also false for it creates a sort of negative outcomes with regards the students' attitude.

If  you're much curious about what I'm talking about try to read an article that I've just read it is titled "Are you down with or done with homework?". It is a very interesting article for it is a compilation of different opinions about homework. And it may open or widen up your knowledge about this matter.

The overall message of the article is that it creates competency and preparedness on students. Since, we all know that everything in the future will be much complicated then this very hard task, homework will let you have a glimpse of what's to come. Alteast in the near future not everything will be much harder if you have already tasted a bit of this hardships.

That part is a good but the other point that is pretty much evident is the error of the parents. They sometimes bribe their children to do their homework. The conditions where the learners are only doing these task is because of a "luxury" bribe from their parents.

Parents can always make a way for their little ones to love homework but not in these way. The whole purpose of homework is just been thrown away. Bribery will only create a sense of greediness or maybe a start of being corrupted on students. If this will always be the way they'll do, might as well just let their children be not concern of homework anymore for they aren't learning anything good but being corrupt.

But the main issue is this, "What is the Roots of Why Homework Can't Be Effective?" A question I'll try to find answer. As I've learned different sides regarding this subject matter. I've seen that every party has an error to contribute and thus it should be made action because homework can affect everybody in every ways possible, isn't it?


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