Thursday, October 4, 2012

Misconceptions about Homework?

"Practice makes Perfect"

This may be one of the  most famous quotations known to mankind. Even I admit that I've already used this quote for a number of times. In essays, reports and in speeches. But the thing is, do I even  believe in this saying? In some instances, YES. But in some, No. Let's take singing and studying for example. In singing, the more you practice the more you got better. How about in studying, is this assumption still applicable?

As a student myself, practicing in studying is what we called as homework. Since preschool this practice was already been observed but in this times the children still see homework as an enjoyable activity. They even look forward in dong this but as we reach level in education higher, the lessons gets harder. With that, teachers tends to give homework most of the time. A hard lesson then a number of homework, the said "enjoyable activity" suddenly turns into a "burden" for most students.

Teachers often assign homework before or after opening up a topic. Before because they believe that students' should at least have a background on the subject so that it'll be easier for them to understand the lesson. Or after the discussion for they believe that this can further make the students' understanding in the lecture better. But the question is, Does it really do any good? or just a pure superstition and a waste of time?

As my curiosity got bigger, I started reading articles about this matter. I've read few articles and some studies regarding homework, but one stood out for me. This article of Alfie Kohn entitled, The Truth About Homework. He mentioned different points regarding homework. He even cited conducted researches and surveys on the said subject. But what most marked on me is the part where he said that more time studying like doing homework doesn't automatically leads to betters learning.

The author stated in the article  "homework “reinforces” the skills that students have learned – or, rather, have been taught -- in class" which is said to be one of the wrong misconception of teachers about homework. Having the students to do more in a subject, the deeper they will understand the lesson. Like, doing more Math exercises will make you good in that particular topic. In these article, it does not agree with this presumption of teacher in why they give loads and loads of homework. Kohn said that if ever this "repetition" will make any positive effect on students, what kind of proficiency will this improvement will be?

Another interesting point he raised is that if ever homework does creates positive outcome on students' performance, does it really need to be done at home? If students do better if they have someone to discuss or compare their ideas and works with, then it can be just done in school than to be taken at home. Also, what if the student didn't really have any clue or can't understand the assigned lesson then it'll just be a waste of time and effort. Frustrating as a student can be, they won't be any near in being productive.

May be the solution to this "homework issues" is to take consider of the students also. Teachers should not just assign things without thinking if this will really help students and not just because of the thought that giving these homework will make their job easier. In the first place, their purpose is to teach and guide the students not to teach students on how to study by themselves. I'm not saying that homework should totally be diminished, it's just other factors are needed to be regarded before making any assumption of what these actions (like giving homework) will actually bring to students.

Education still have flaws that is needed to be polished. Perhaps they should review all little aspects and if possible have some revisions. They could start from one of the tiniest branch, homework.


As I read the article of Alfie Kahn, I've come up with these follow-up questions and where can I find answers to these.

  • Follow up questions for research:
    1. Why does homework said to have more negative effects on students than have positive effects?
    2. How much time does an average student consumes in making homework?
    3. Does teachers disregard students' point of view with regards to giving homework?
  • Sources of Information
    • Thesis or Studies (regarding homework)
    • Articles
    • Surveys
    • Interviews


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