Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Teachers as an Instrument.

Teachers are the second parents of the students. Since, us students spent most time in school they are the ones who are mostly with us. Some may be much closer to their teachers than their own parents. Some students may hate their teachers so much or worse, fear them. This only means teachers can greatly influence or affect their students. If these assumption can be proven then, with the help of the parents, they will be the answer to the students behavior towards school.

One of the most intriguing issue in school is homework. The very long debate on whether to have or remove homework in a student's curriculum. But if the first assumption is true then teachers will be a great instrument to help students for the betterment. Since, the homework thing is still arguable. While they work on that matter, let us work on what we have right now.

This article Four Ways to Encourage Students to Complete Homework can be a guide for teachers in making their students do homework. Following are the four ways stated in the article:

1. Set a Solid Homework Policy as your Foundation

Communicate to both your students and their parents. Clearly lay out to them your policies and let their parents also have a copy. So that they can also be informed on what their children will do with regards this task. Also have a planner shown to your students showing them what they'll be doing for a period of time.

2. Online Blackboard

With our advance technology, let us take advantage in it. Have an online blackboard where you can easily put updates and answer questions of both the students and their parents. Since children of these generation is so inclined with the modern technology, being able to access this online blackboard won't be any problem.

3. Create a Reward System

Creating reward for students who completes their homework and submitting it on time will encourage students both those who follows the policy and those who are not really working on their homework. Do a weekly or monthly-basis reward instead of a daily-basis reward.

4. Create Assignments That Involve the Student's Interests

Try to put attention on what your students are interested in because "Not only will this help you accomplish the goal, it will remind your students of their strengths and help to improve their self-esteem." as the author of the article states.

Teachers, students, and parents working together -- this maybe the perfect way to aid the never ending problem to this homework situation. Regarding all different point of views; then, from their make the action and voila! the answer to our problem. Listen to each sides and have reflections and we'll see things much clearer. Everybody is an instrument, all we need to do is to know what role do we have; then, Homework done!


Unknown said...

Post #7: 9/10

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