Monday, October 29, 2012

Roots of Sour Attitudes and Wrong Mindsets

How many hours do you spend working on your homework? Ever went to school without even sleeping just to finish an assignment to be submitted the following day. A lot of students may have experienced this and even myself admits to have been through this situation. Isn't it too stressful and at the same time makes you fatigued both mentally and physically. But the question is, are they worth your efforts?

A typical student has a eight to ten subject for the whole year. Every subject sometimes has a different teacher. With these, teachers don't have the knowledge of what the other subject teachers are assigning to students which leads to a over work load for students.

Believing all the positive effects of homework, teachers assigned these as often and as much as possible. But what they do not know is that it really doesn't meet up the said benefits but rather promotes bad effects specially in the attitudes of the students.

I've read an article titled "The Myth About Homework" and my assumptions about homework had back-up my theories. This article shows how the academically related benefits are not being met up and just results to bad outcomes for the students.

Negative effect on students is that it can trigger a parent-child arguments. For as parents can always supervise their children with regard to homework 'cause it is being done at home. But the thing that parents sometimes do not pay attention is that children are sometimes too tired to do homework because of the day at school alone. The student tends to be stubborn which leads to a conflict between the child and their parents.

Also, with too much pressure being put on to students in addition with being stressed it pretty much leads to the worse effect on students, disinterest in learning. This is the point where students give up on the institution of learning. They started to think that their is no point in studying for they will just end up failing. This is probably the most tragic effect of homework to a learner.

The point of this stands is just try to consider all positions. Try not to be carried away on assigning things especially to children. We know that their understanding is not yet sufficient to understand all the things adults see in a thing; which means they need much more understanding. If they can't see any good on a thing do not force them to do it. Try to do it in a slow and gentle way because no positive outcome comes from a forceful input. Be reminded that children will always be children. Try to compromise instead of insisting what you only want. The students are the one's in need which means teachers and parents are the ones who should effort more in reaching out the learner. 


Unknown said...

Post #8: 9/10

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