Monday, October 15, 2012

No Homework at all: A Wrong Move

A "No weekend homework" policy in the Philippines. Most students tends to rejoice about this and even I think it is an absolute pro-students policy. Imagine a whole weekend with no homework to worry, one of the many students' burden is finally lifted. It is like for the first time, the authorities have hear out our side -- a students' point of view. But is this move a good move?

Homework said to be an instrument that can further nourish a student's knowledge on a certain topic. But with this, being limitedly given, can this be a negative approach to our education's problems? We just disregarded all the said benefits we can get in having homework, for the leisure time given to students. Think about it, try to look at it from both sides.

I've talk to some people regarding this issue and it seems that most, pretty much agrees with it. The reason maybe behind these is that they are mostly students. So, to further learn on this issue, I read articles regarding it. One opinion caught my attention, she is not in favor with this policy; which is not usual. You can also read it in the "opinion" part of a famous broadsheet newspaper Manila Bulletin titled "Homework or no homework".

The reader named Ivy A. Asuncion, 29 years old and a mother of 3 elementary students, said that homework can be "counter-productive". If it can't fully give a education improvement then it will surely teach students good values and essential skills like time-management, resourcefulness, and independence.

Time management can be attained if a person can manage to efficiently finished all his/her tasks with still enough time for other things. In homework, like what is mentioned in the article, finishing it on time but still having time for extra curricular activities is an example of time-management. She also said that this is a great practice for the future. Because in the future, time management will really come in handy.

Students will also be resourceful and independent as what Ivy also mentioned. They will have to find answers for there assignment; thus, they will use different sources to aid their requirements. With that they will learn how to be resourceful. Being independent or can manage to do well alone can also be developed with the use of homework. The students aren't just gonna rely on their teachers to learn, but they also have to do efforts to know about the lessons or topic and this will encourage independence. This two skills, like the first mentioned, is needed especially in the so called "real world". These "organizational skills" will be a great help for the students in the future.

"Looking into the bright side of everything" is the best quotation I can relate on the this matter. Homework may look like to be just a pure suffering but as we try to look at in a different perspective, a different side we discover. I learned to appreciate the hidden benefits of this commonly complaint thing, that all we need to do is look at it much deeper. Like this skills and values that can be earned with doing homework, as I can see it, they are a great investment for the future. Then maybe we should learn to appreciate this thing more than to keep on complaining and moaning about it -- that is the right move that we should do.


Unknown said...

Post #4: 8/10

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