Tuesday, December 4, 2012

HW#10: Survey Report

After gathering data as basis of the survey, the researcher picked out the right questions that can suffice the important factors that can verify whatever studies done abroad and know whether it is also applicable to Filipino students. The survey's respondents were all accounting students of the same block. The researcher made it sure that the answering of the surveys were simultaneous as to make sure that if there's clarifications regarding the questions it can be easily addressed; also, to monitor all the respondents and to make sure the preciseness of the result. The researcher also did some interviews also with some of the students in the block and also other students from other school. The difference with the questions in interview and in the questionnaire is that the in the interview the questions were more specific like the issue of homework concerning bullying, achievement tests related question, cheating, and effects on the attitude of students.

In the first question, 94% of the respondents said that they don't like homework because of the following reasons: the homework is the same thing with the things lectured in class that it already seemed redundant, they were already tired and all they want to do at home is to rest and other outside school activities, they were too lazy to do it, the homework assigned was too much in number, and the task is too stressful.

On the second question, the respondents didn't have any pattern on the way they have answered the item. The rates were all random except for the research assignment in which majority rated the most difficult of all and for the group assignment rated as the least most difficult in general.

The third question resulted 87.5% of the respondents said to spent more than thirty minutes and from those 14.29% spent more than five hours. Only 12.5% of the respondents answered that they spent less than half an hour in doing their homework.

In the fourth question, only two respondents said that homework isn't helpful with their studies. The rest of the respondents answered that homework does help them in their lessons. The reasons that have been cited are: because it does reinforce the information they have learned from the lectures in school, because it makes them advance in the lesson, because it assess them and also the teacher on what they have learned, because it recalls them on the past lessons, and because it initiates them to further search about the subject.

On the fifth question, majority of the respondents did have experienced not finishing or not doing it at all. They said it is because the homework was difficult, they did not understand the question, they do not know the answer, they have other task to do, they were too tired and sleepy to do it, and some said they were too lazy to do it and that their time wasn't managed well.

The last question was the part were the respondents were to give suggestions as a substitute to homework if they are not in favor with it. Since most respondents didn't like homework, many had answered this question.  but they all had almost similar answers. Some answers were to limit the days when homework should be assigned (like M-W-F) or let homework be not required. But the answer of most was to replace homework by more seatwork or activities, hands-on done at class so that it doesn't needed to be brought to school and also for the teachers to supervise the students to prevent cheating and tardiness.

In conclusion, with the result of the survey, the answers that the researcher have been expecting did came out. Most students didn't like homework and the reasons that they have stated are just like the findings from what the results are in foreign research. Although there is a little part where the findings had difference from the studies abroad is that Filipino students does find homework to be useful in their studies. That although they do not like homework it does help them in a way that they were reinforced with information, by the means of homework, after the class discussion. But all in all, the results of the survey almost did matched the expected results by the researcher.


Unknown said...

Survey Report: 8/10

Unknown said...

Many of the serial and everything became attractive to what we can find. This section really that impressive. friv 7

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