Wednesday, December 5, 2012

HW#11: Homework Triggers Students to Cheat

They say that if people were left unsupervised, how they act or how they behave is being affected. People tend to behave on what they think is right and not what they normally should be behaving. As what one of my  professor, who is also a psychologist, had shared with us; it's a human nature. Whenever people are being observed they tend to act differently than if they were left in a room with no one supervising them. Which only means that they perform task better if being watched. Sometimes if they are not supervised they tend to do bad things like slacking, doing unrelated stuffs, and even fraud things.

The bad thing about this scenario is that it did not just start in a single snap but it started while a person is still young. For some reasons, it is very common to all that it seems to be already socially accepted by everyone and with that, this bad behavior is being acquired.

In school this is very evident and present. As young as a student can be, this trait can be observed already. The most common example is the issue in homework. Since homework, as assigned to be done at home, is a task that is not being supervised. As what is said in the beginning of this article, a person acts differently if left unsupervised. Unfortunately regarding on how differently they do, it is more of in the negative aspect.

As what students usually does, stated on the existing research done abroad, when they were assigned homework -- they cheat. Students tend to cheat in many different manners. They can plagiarize and just copy paste whatever they can find in the internet or let other people do their homework. Mostly, they ask their elder siblings, parents or even a classmate to do their homework. Looking at this scenario, it totally thrown away the purpose of homework and worse, gave students a chance to cheat.

High School Students Admit they Cheat to Get Their Homework Completed is a compilation of different confessions of students that they admit cheating with their homework. A person told that they did it for survival. Since, they did not learn much on the classroom and for fear that they will flunk out or to have good grade -- cheating is the easiest way to take.

I, myself, also conducted some research (interviews and survey) as if these situation does apply in the Filipino students. Sadly, it is does present as it is in the other countries. They have shared that if they don't know what to do with the homework, instead of just helping them, their parents or siblings does the entire homework for them. A respondent also shared that with their other classmates, some bribes or pay their fellow student to do a homework for them.

With homework as a school work that has to be done unsupervised at their homes, the whole goal of the homework was somehow proven unattainable. If students will only cheat their school works every time they were not being watched by their teachers then might as well let the whole concept of homework be disregarded. If homework cannot help students at all but rather gives them negative effects, let homework be removed in all students curriculum.


Unknown said...

Thanks for this. Gotta use this as a citation for our research!

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