Tuesday, December 4, 2012

HW#9: Types of Homework

Which would you prefer; a hundred pages of story to read, a ten chapter review to answer, a research and experimentation making, a project model of a structure, or a whole unit to be presented? Isn't it all a suicide task? If any of those were assigned to you with a very short period of deadline, I know some will just give up. Specially, if the kind of task assigned to you is the type that you've hated the most. So for example you hate to read and you were assigned to read a whole book as a requirement, most probably, you wouldn't finish the ask or just totally bail on it.

Numbers of homework had been assigned on students since the very first time they've entered school. There is these "read a story" or "draw something". Of course the "defining the terms" assignment is a usual kind also. But as we all know, each student has a preferred type of homework. And also, preference on what kind of assignment to be assigned is a crucial factor in the effectiveness of homework.

There are three main types of homework according to New South Wales Department of Education and Training: practice exercises, preparatory homework, and extension assignments. As what is said on the document created by the institution mentioned above, the three types of homework were defined as the following :

  • Practice exercises let students apply new knowledge or review, revise and reinforce newly acquired skills. Examples of such exercises are memorization of mathematical tables, practicing spelling words, essay writing and reading for pleasure.
  • Preparatory homework where students gain background information on a unit of study to better prepare them for future lessons, for example, reading and collecting geometric shapes.
  • Extension assignments encourage students to pursue knowledge individually and imaginatively. Assignments might include writing a book review, researching local news or retrieving items from the Internet. 
If all the different homework were to be classified in these three main types it would all fall on a particular type. Like all the math/science/English activities and exercises will fall on the the "practice exercises" type of homework. While those advance reading assignments, defining of terms for the future discussion falls on the "Preparatory homework" type. Lastly, all those tasks that needed further researching, additional activities for other information belongs on the "Extension assignment" type.

All different types of homework, if analyzed, have different goals and agendas to be met after each tasks were to be finished. A type aims to practice the student on what they have learned from the lesson and for them to be polished in all the parts of the lesson The other type goals to make students prepared for the incoming lectures; a brief overview on what will the lesson be about. While the other type's purpose is to add up more info that has not been included in the discussion proper. 

As what has been aforementioned, type of homework is a crucial factor in the effectiveness of homework. All types have different approach on the lessons and also with the students. Each types also serves different purposes to be achieved after each assigned homework. These little details should be given much attention when deciding what homework should be assigned to make sure that all efforts will be worth the prize. 

Effectiveness is a must!


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