Saturday, December 8, 2012

HW#12: Not a Big Deal

In every school year, the first day has always been the introduction day. A very boring day, for some, to keep on introducing yourself to your classmates who already knew you; and your teachers who does not really care in any single word you've blabbering in front of the class.

How ironic life is, right? Well, other than the non-stop introduction speeches you gave is the presentation of study plan; what we don't usually paying attention to is to how the percentage of our grades are computed. Which is a big factor that will impact our academic life the whole school year. And now that I finally took attention with these percentages, I've noticed that the part most us students exert effort most is where the percent have been allocated small. I'm talking about homework. As time, effort, and resource consuming as it is; the smaller it is in the percentage of the final grade. Why is that so?

Majority can say that one of the things that students spent time and effort is in doing homework but have you ever notice it's very small part on your grades? It can be as small as 2% which is I think is a very small portion as an exchange to all the efforts we've exerted in accomplishing it. Isn't that unjustifiable?  If the homework's purpose is also to help students achieve much higher grades because it's easier than test, exams and seat work given; therefore, it's the students last haven. So they exert so much effort in doing homework. But if the percentage is that small, maybe it's one of the reason why the effectiveness of homework is not present nowadays.

As a student, if you think you're efforts aren't gonna have any gain to you then might as well just turn it down. If your a student and there are lots of homework assigned to you considering it's only a small part of your grades, why would you try to burden your self if you won't lose or gain much? One reason why student's don't do homework -- law of reciprocity not much evident.

Conducted my research, I've surveyed some of my block mates and I did saw the answer to why they don't like homework. The respondent said it's just a small part of the grade so they didn't like homework. As a block mate of theirs, I know what kind of homework was being assigned to us. College students don't get homework like high school students does. What we have are those very complicated ones. Not that it is just hard but also the quantity is twice as much than when we it was in high school.

So if I were to ask you, would you still do something you won't be gaining much? If you'll just lose a little just to avoid making too much effort, won't you take that chance?


Unknown said...

Article 7: 10/10

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