Saturday, December 8, 2012

HW#14: Chapter 3

Chapter 3


This paper aimed to determine the effects of  homework on Filipino students. Though this paper focused more on the factors and reasons why the effectiveness of homework on Filipino students is somehow missing.

The research design used in this study is the descriptive research method wherein information were gathered from documents, electronic articles, interviews, and surveys. The data collected were used to answer the aforementioned question aimed by this research paper. The findings of this research are as follow:

1. Given all the positive purpose and intention of homework to students; the goals, as defined, was not  achieved in the Filipino students. Instead, more of the adverse effect was brought out to the students which was caused by different factors.

2. One factor that affects the effectivity of assignments is the type of homework and the student's preference. As found out, each type has a different approach and aim at the end of each completion. Then, the result to the students varies on what kind of homework was assigned. Also, according to surveys and interviews, most Filipino students prefer homework that are done in groups. They much probably finish tasks more often if done with a group.

3. Another factor that influence the effectiveness of homework is the assumptions impost to students regarding homework. Different impression on homework, mostly negative ones, that came was pass through from batch to batch of students and then, later became an automatic response of students even without basis. Having negative thoughts on homework gives students reasons to not do homework anymore and jump into conclusion that it is not helpful but rather a burden. This alone greatly affects why Filipino students cannot achieve the intended purpose of homework.

4. The involvement of other people in the process of completing homework also plays a great part in why Filipino students cannot acquire the full effectiveness of homework. Teachers sometimes lacks involvement in this process which leads to students confusion, cheating, tardiness because of lack of supervision from the teachers. The parent, on the other hand, sometimes involve too much in the school works of their children. to the point that the school work were done by the parents most times and not the learner anymore; which shows that the goals of homework was not attained.

5. As what in the other studies done in abroad and in the Philippines, homework does not have a large impact in the betterment of the learning and in the performance of students. They may have a little but not that much of a deal; so, even if it is totally gone it would not have a big impact. According to interviews on Filipino students, homework does not help them attain high grades when it comes to achievement tests. As what students mentioned, even without the homework assigned to help them in the test, the result of their achievement exams would be pretty much be the same.

6. Homework's psychological effects on Filipino students are that they become resistive in learning and that it sometimes triggers students to acquire sour attitudes. Homework being a stressful task to students makes them hate learning when it is too much. If the quantity of homework will not be attended then that too much may lead to something bad as a learner do not want to learn anymore. Then, if other people will force or insist to do the homework it may also lead for students to acquire not so good traits like being grumpy that mostly cause parent-child conflict at home.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The intended purpose of homework are not being achieved on Filipino students but rather leaves adverse effect, of what should be, on the students.

2. The effectiveness of the homework was being influenced by different factors. Other than the usual factors like the amount and medium; type of homework, student's preference and assumptions of students on homework greatly affect the success of fulfilling the task's purpose.

3. Homework, if not properly supervised, gives student permanent negative effect on students other than academic results. Also, homework was shown to not have much of a positive impact when it comes to the academic performance of a student.


After drawing the conclusion of the study, the researchers hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. Each homework should be concisely analyzed before giving out to the students. The purpose, amount, and the ideal output of the task should be properly and clearly laid out by the teachers on their students before assigning any single homework.

2. Regarding the student's preference should also be exercised always. To make sure the school work's sucessfulness, the teacher, the students and other people involved should do compromising. If possible, all school works be done at school and as a group since it is where students are comfortable. In which efficiency can be practice if the tasks assigned on each student were of their interest.

3. The Department of Education, as one of the main institution in education in the Philippines, should design new possible substitute on homework. A task with the same purpose but have a different approach that can lessen the insubmissive of students on that school work extension and also aided in the parts where homework failed to comply.


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Unknown said...

Chapter 3: 10/10

Unknown said...

These results and we can look at it to identify and assess the general, as well as measures to ensure their effectiveness. friv 4

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