Sunday, November 11, 2012

HW#1: Background of the Survey

I. Overview of Research Paper

Within the seven weeks given for us to search about our topic, I've collected adequate number of information that I myself had never know about my topic. My topic, homework, is a very common issue that is discussed  by students. But since there are lots of obvious facts on homework. This research paper will focus on the reasons why the negative effects observed on students were very evident.

So far, I've finished the first part of my research paper. The first chapter where the introduction of my research is shown. With regard to the articles and data I've gathered, I've already searched about the misconceptions about homework, what are the different adverse effect of homework besides insufficient presence of academical benefits (e.g. Family conflicts, stress, disinterest in learning..), purpose of homework, some substitutes on homework, and some explanations why homework doesn't meet it's said purposes.

 The next part of my research process is the distribution of survey questionnaires to my chosen respondents. And to find more information to support my studies. Also, continue to search about the data I've already gathered because there are still unclear and unanswered parts in my study.

II. Survey Questions.

    My Survey will be composed of six questions consisting of different types of question. There would be a yes or no question, essay type and rating items. The first question will be asking if whether the student likes having homework this particular question is important for it will tell if Filipino students like homework or not. In this question, the respondents will state their reasons on why they have that perspective towards homework. This is a huge part on my research 'cause it will be the basis of the effects and the different assumptions of Filipino students on homework. 

    Next, is the rating of the different homework on how difficult it is.Finding out which type of homework students find difficult will show how students struggles on doing the most common types assigned by teachers. Also, this question will show what type of homework they most preferred to have. Knowing these factors will help me to know how "type of homework" affects Filipino students. 

    The third question will ask the respondents on how much time they spent doing their homework. It is important to know how much time an average student spends in doing homework for it will be foundation on why the said effects of homework were evident on students (according to research too much time were being allocated in doing homework results to much adverse effect on students). It can somehow show why students tends to see homework as a stressing task and other negative connotations on the matter. This question can also strengthen my findings if the result  of this survey question will have the save outcome as on the foreign conducted studies I've found. 

    The fourth question will be asking if whether homework does help them when it come to studying. To know the point of view of Filipino students towards homework, if it is either beneficial or not. Foreign research shows that according to students it's not beneficial a all. But these findings are not automatically applicable in a local basis, so this question will verify if the same results will also be observed.

    The next question will be asking for the respondents experience if they had ever skip doing homework or having an incomplete work.This question will answer another question "Why students tends to have negative attitude towards homework?" which is a very important part of my research. This survey question will also show other factors why homework is not effective.

    The last question will be asking for the respondent's idea on what can substitute homework if the find it ineffective. This question is a very essential part of my study for this will show what (Filipino) students wants for their own beneficial. If what improvements can they suggest as what they can observed to what homework gives them. In this part, they can also recommend other alternatives on homework that will be more effective than the usual homework.

    III. Prediction

    With my six question about homework and it's effect I'm expecting a general answer from the respondents. For what I have been observing also based on all my research, the homework's good points was being outnumbered by the negative things that it gives to a student. I am expecting the answers like it is too much, it is not necessary for it is already learned at school. In short, I'm expecting the same answers from the what are from the studies abroad in spite of the different settings, cultural differences, and other factors.


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