Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HW#6: Unnoticed Source of Bullying

Everyday it's a usual situation that teachers give tons and tons of homework. The more the students complain about it, the more they assign additional homework and the much complicated ones. So, better keep yourselves silent  to prevent much more burden. But regardless of those extra torments, the original amount of work already assigned is too much to handle that is why some students just give up and not do it anymore. But the worst thing that they can do is to scare and force a classmate. a schoolmate or anyone that the bullies think is smart enough to do the homework.

I never did believe in this scenario, for I thought it was just in movies in which is a product of imagination with some exaggeration that this thing are being done. Until, a friend and classmate shared me an experience that is just like this. My friend told me how the bully threatened them, which means there were many others, to do his homework or else, he will hurt them.

Bullying is very much evident in schools from primary to middle and even in high school level. Means, age is not an issue to bullies. If they can see an opportunity to abuse someone, they'll grab the chance to do so. Unfortunately, this chances includes homework-- a thing that is considered as a frequent task given to students. Isn't that scary for your siblings, your niece, your nephew or your own child? You didn't even know that as simple as homework; triggers the chance of them being bullied.

I've read about an article in titled Ninth-Grader Bullied for Homework that stated a story about a student being bullied because of homework. The parent of the child asked an expert on what to do about the situation. The story goes like this. The student is a consistent honor student and loves school, which may be the reason why the bully chose him/her as a target to be bullied. The victim didn't ever told his/her parents' about it, until his/her cousin saw what happened. The bully threatened the kid to not forget to do his/her homework. When the parents confronted their child, he/she told not to report the incident in the school and to forget about it. The parents did consider what their child said and the opinion of the expert said a different action to do.The adviser Connie Collins, a professional school counselor, told them that their child needed the help of the school. A teacher or faculty member or anyone that can be trusted to tell the situation of the student. That even if not directly, the school should find out what is happening to the kid.

I do not blame the concept of homework in being a cause of bullying, but the sad reality is that kids does bully others because of homework. The whole purpose of homework is being trashed in this situation. Not only it does not help students to have a positive academic impact, but it rather gives other student an opportunity to abused. If homework is not much of a help in totality, then it should be fully taken away from the schools' curriculum. With this, at least, the doors for bullying can be lessen a little.

Being bullied is one of the most traumatic scenarios that a child can ever experienced in being a student. It just starts to be just nothing until, without noticing it, it leads to bad effects on students -- depressed, paranoid and even suicide. Sadly, this said helpful thing, homework, is one of the sources of bullying. You ma not know it or notice it, but it is really a big deal. What to do? Think about it. What would you do?


Unknown said...

Article 2: 10/10

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