Sunday, November 11, 2012

HW#2 : Time Out on Homework

One week of only two to three hours of sleep and yet what you've done is not yet enough or the output has so much errors in it because there is no more time to edit your work. The reason? Well, some teachers often just assign and assign lots of task and give a short period until the deadline. Have they ever considered if there are other teachers in other subjects who have done the same? Imagine all your subjects having lots of homework, projects, exams, practicums and others things all due at the same time? Who could ever accomplish all that? I may say we need a miracle.

It is said that this "sufferings" all has a purpose and in the end we'll get something useful and beneficial to us. But is this applicable in all cases? I don't think so. Like in homework, the more you get the more you'll get from it? The harder ones you get, the bigger benefits you'll obtain? Do you think so? But according to most students it doesn't really helps them but rather adds up to their pile of problems and the main 'cause of their daily dose of stress. An assumption of students which is supported by some research conducted.

According to research, piling too much homework on kids doesn't improve test scores instead it can even lower the test result. Besides the negative effect on students like being stressed, fatigued; now an effect on academical aspect of a student is an absolute NO!

This article in titled Too Much Homework Can Lower Test Scores, Researchers Say, is an article to read if you're also curious about this matter. Just an overview of this article and just some highlights, it says that homework can make the results of a student's test much lower as the title says itself. The author also noted some research he compiled that no more than 15 minutes should be spent on doing homework as suggested by the researcher. Also, stated there is that there better ways to spend those time allotted on doing homework to other much beneficial activities like playing musical instruments or joining sports team or school clubs.

According to my understanding, what the article is trying to point out is that too much time is spent on doing homework. And that too much doesn't lead to anything good rather bad outcomes. So instead of spending this time on a thing wherein students tends to just suffer rather than benefiting, spend it to something with much more sense activities. Activities where students can have a time out on all school works a\but still can acquire knowledge to.

We should have the right balance of everything. Remember, even too much of a good thing is also bad for us. Then, maybe same as goes with studying and homework. We can't just be studying all the time. There should also be time for our interest and improving our skills. With that, we can maximize our time without sacrificing or obtaining much bad results on us. Learn but at the same time, have some time for something you'll have fun and enjoy doing. And that, that is a time well spent.


Unknown said...

Article 1: 10/10

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