Monday, November 19, 2012

HW#3: Survey Questions


Name (Optional): ______________________________________    Age: _____________
School: ______________________________________________  Section: __________

This survey is not required for your class. If you choose not to complete this survey, your grade in the class will not be affected in any way. Follow the given directions on each question as indicated inside the parenthesis after each question. Answer the questions as honest as possible. 

1. Do you like having homework? (Put a check mark on your answer) ___YES.   ___NO. 
  •  Why or Why not?                                                 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. From 1-10 (10 as the most difficult), rate the following types of homework according to its difficulty.

              __ Reading Assignments (e.g. Essays, short stories, book report..)
              __ Written Activities/ Exercises (e.g. Math problems, science activities..)
              __ Research (e.g. definition of terms)
              __ Group Assignments
              __ Individual Assignments

3. How much time do you spend on doing all your homework? (Put a check on your answer.)

                __ 0 minutes/hours (I don't do my homework at all)
                __ 10 minutes - 30 minutes
                __ 40 minutes - 60 minutes
                __ 1 hour - 4 hours
                __ more than 5 hours

4. Is homework helping you on your lessons? 
(Put a check mark on your answer.)
     ___ YES. ___ NO.

  •  Why or Why not?                                             ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Have you ever experienced not finishing or not doing your homework? 
     ___ YES. ___NO. (If yes, state the reasons why)
  •  Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. What suggestions can you give on how to improve the "homework system" or (if you're not in favor with homework) substitute to homework that you can recommend?


Unknown said...

Survey: 7/10

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