Saturday, December 8, 2012

HW#14: Chapter 3

Chapter 3


This paper aimed to determine the effects of  homework on Filipino students. Though this paper focused more on the factors and reasons why the effectiveness of homework on Filipino students is somehow missing.

The research design used in this study is the descriptive research method wherein information were gathered from documents, electronic articles, interviews, and surveys. The data collected were used to answer the aforementioned question aimed by this research paper. The findings of this research are as follow:

1. Given all the positive purpose and intention of homework to students; the goals, as defined, was not  achieved in the Filipino students. Instead, more of the adverse effect was brought out to the students which was caused by different factors.

2. One factor that affects the effectivity of assignments is the type of homework and the student's preference. As found out, each type has a different approach and aim at the end of each completion. Then, the result to the students varies on what kind of homework was assigned. Also, according to surveys and interviews, most Filipino students prefer homework that are done in groups. They much probably finish tasks more often if done with a group.

3. Another factor that influence the effectiveness of homework is the assumptions impost to students regarding homework. Different impression on homework, mostly negative ones, that came was pass through from batch to batch of students and then, later became an automatic response of students even without basis. Having negative thoughts on homework gives students reasons to not do homework anymore and jump into conclusion that it is not helpful but rather a burden. This alone greatly affects why Filipino students cannot achieve the intended purpose of homework.

4. The involvement of other people in the process of completing homework also plays a great part in why Filipino students cannot acquire the full effectiveness of homework. Teachers sometimes lacks involvement in this process which leads to students confusion, cheating, tardiness because of lack of supervision from the teachers. The parent, on the other hand, sometimes involve too much in the school works of their children. to the point that the school work were done by the parents most times and not the learner anymore; which shows that the goals of homework was not attained.

5. As what in the other studies done in abroad and in the Philippines, homework does not have a large impact in the betterment of the learning and in the performance of students. They may have a little but not that much of a deal; so, even if it is totally gone it would not have a big impact. According to interviews on Filipino students, homework does not help them attain high grades when it comes to achievement tests. As what students mentioned, even without the homework assigned to help them in the test, the result of their achievement exams would be pretty much be the same.

6. Homework's psychological effects on Filipino students are that they become resistive in learning and that it sometimes triggers students to acquire sour attitudes. Homework being a stressful task to students makes them hate learning when it is too much. If the quantity of homework will not be attended then that too much may lead to something bad as a learner do not want to learn anymore. Then, if other people will force or insist to do the homework it may also lead for students to acquire not so good traits like being grumpy that mostly cause parent-child conflict at home.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The intended purpose of homework are not being achieved on Filipino students but rather leaves adverse effect, of what should be, on the students.

2. The effectiveness of the homework was being influenced by different factors. Other than the usual factors like the amount and medium; type of homework, student's preference and assumptions of students on homework greatly affect the success of fulfilling the task's purpose.

3. Homework, if not properly supervised, gives student permanent negative effect on students other than academic results. Also, homework was shown to not have much of a positive impact when it comes to the academic performance of a student.


After drawing the conclusion of the study, the researchers hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. Each homework should be concisely analyzed before giving out to the students. The purpose, amount, and the ideal output of the task should be properly and clearly laid out by the teachers on their students before assigning any single homework.

2. Regarding the student's preference should also be exercised always. To make sure the school work's sucessfulness, the teacher, the students and other people involved should do compromising. If possible, all school works be done at school and as a group since it is where students are comfortable. In which efficiency can be practice if the tasks assigned on each student were of their interest.

3. The Department of Education, as one of the main institution in education in the Philippines, should design new possible substitute on homework. A task with the same purpose but have a different approach that can lessen the insubmissive of students on that school work extension and also aided in the parts where homework failed to comply.


Collins, C. Ninth-Grader Bullied for Homework. Retrieved November 20, 2012 from

“Definition of Terms” Retrieved October 23, 2012 from

“Definition of Terms” Retrieved October 23, 2012 from

Hough, L. Are you Down With or Done With Homework? Retrieved October 29, 2012 from http://www.

Kohn, A. (2006). The Truth About Homework. Retrieved October 4, 2012 from teaching/edweek/homework.htm

Kalish, N. The Less-Homework Revolution. Retrieved September 29, 2012 from article/the-less-homework-revolution

Macgregor, I. (2009). Homework: What are the upsides and downsides? Retrieved November 20, 2012 from

Merriam Webster. Retrieved November 20, 2012 from homework

New  South Wales Department of Education and Training. Information for Parents and Caregiver. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from hwenglish.pdf

Sprenger, J.C. Four Ways to Encourage Students to Complete Homework. Retrieved October 16, 2012 from

Quismundo, T. (2012) School opening surprise: No more homework. Retrieved October 15, 2012 from http://

The Arguments Behind the Professionalization of Teaching. Retrieved November 20, 2012 from http://www.

Wallis, C. (2006). The Myth About Homework. Retrieved November 29, 2012 from time/magazine/article/0,9171,1376208,00.html

Witmer, D. Tips on Getting Your Teens to Do Homework. Retrieved October 16, 2012 from http://parenting

Wolchover, N. (2012). Too Much Homework Can Lower Test Scores, Researchers Say. Retrieved November 11, 2012 from


If we define homework, it is said to be tasks that are assigned to reinforce the student's knowledge outside the school hours; frequently done at home.This mean that it includes take home seat works, exercises, practices, research, answering and such. With just mentioning that, it is already too tiring, what more if it is the real thing which you are already doing. But you are fortunate enough if your "homework"is the only thing you need to do after school. What if there are other things like house chores, church activities, part time job or sports training? Wouldn't that be a suicide?

Given all the things you should be doing after school plus the never-ending homework, is it even possible to accomplish all in a day. Given that the day only has 24 hours and 8 hours already spent inside the classroom. How many hours are left? 16 hours? Is it enough? -- Mission impossible!

These factors affect the approach of students towards homework. Which is a possible reason why the 'homework' today is turning to be ineffective. Homework plus "Home Work" is way too much for students to handle. Some teachers tend to assign many homework disregarding the other things that a student will also be doing.

Conducting interviews and surveys confirmed this theory. That some, means not all cases, teachers give out too much homework that students can't manage to finish it because of other things that they shall be doing -- this  includes church activities, extra-curricular activities, and leisure/family time.

HW#12: Not a Big Deal

In every school year, the first day has always been the introduction day. A very boring day, for some, to keep on introducing yourself to your classmates who already knew you; and your teachers who does not really care in any single word you've blabbering in front of the class.

How ironic life is, right? Well, other than the non-stop introduction speeches you gave is the presentation of study plan; what we don't usually paying attention to is to how the percentage of our grades are computed. Which is a big factor that will impact our academic life the whole school year. And now that I finally took attention with these percentages, I've noticed that the part most us students exert effort most is where the percent have been allocated small. I'm talking about homework. As time, effort, and resource consuming as it is; the smaller it is in the percentage of the final grade. Why is that so?

Majority can say that one of the things that students spent time and effort is in doing homework but have you ever notice it's very small part on your grades? It can be as small as 2% which is I think is a very small portion as an exchange to all the efforts we've exerted in accomplishing it. Isn't that unjustifiable?  If the homework's purpose is also to help students achieve much higher grades because it's easier than test, exams and seat work given; therefore, it's the students last haven. So they exert so much effort in doing homework. But if the percentage is that small, maybe it's one of the reason why the effectiveness of homework is not present nowadays.

As a student, if you think you're efforts aren't gonna have any gain to you then might as well just turn it down. If your a student and there are lots of homework assigned to you considering it's only a small part of your grades, why would you try to burden your self if you won't lose or gain much? One reason why student's don't do homework -- law of reciprocity not much evident.

Conducted my research, I've surveyed some of my block mates and I did saw the answer to why they don't like homework. The respondent said it's just a small part of the grade so they didn't like homework. As a block mate of theirs, I know what kind of homework was being assigned to us. College students don't get homework like high school students does. What we have are those very complicated ones. Not that it is just hard but also the quantity is twice as much than when we it was in high school.

So if I were to ask you, would you still do something you won't be gaining much? If you'll just lose a little just to avoid making too much effort, won't you take that chance?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

HW#11: Homework Triggers Students to Cheat

They say that if people were left unsupervised, how they act or how they behave is being affected. People tend to behave on what they think is right and not what they normally should be behaving. As what one of my  professor, who is also a psychologist, had shared with us; it's a human nature. Whenever people are being observed they tend to act differently than if they were left in a room with no one supervising them. Which only means that they perform task better if being watched. Sometimes if they are not supervised they tend to do bad things like slacking, doing unrelated stuffs, and even fraud things.

The bad thing about this scenario is that it did not just start in a single snap but it started while a person is still young. For some reasons, it is very common to all that it seems to be already socially accepted by everyone and with that, this bad behavior is being acquired.

In school this is very evident and present. As young as a student can be, this trait can be observed already. The most common example is the issue in homework. Since homework, as assigned to be done at home, is a task that is not being supervised. As what is said in the beginning of this article, a person acts differently if left unsupervised. Unfortunately regarding on how differently they do, it is more of in the negative aspect.

As what students usually does, stated on the existing research done abroad, when they were assigned homework -- they cheat. Students tend to cheat in many different manners. They can plagiarize and just copy paste whatever they can find in the internet or let other people do their homework. Mostly, they ask their elder siblings, parents or even a classmate to do their homework. Looking at this scenario, it totally thrown away the purpose of homework and worse, gave students a chance to cheat.

High School Students Admit they Cheat to Get Their Homework Completed is a compilation of different confessions of students that they admit cheating with their homework. A person told that they did it for survival. Since, they did not learn much on the classroom and for fear that they will flunk out or to have good grade -- cheating is the easiest way to take.

I, myself, also conducted some research (interviews and survey) as if these situation does apply in the Filipino students. Sadly, it is does present as it is in the other countries. They have shared that if they don't know what to do with the homework, instead of just helping them, their parents or siblings does the entire homework for them. A respondent also shared that with their other classmates, some bribes or pay their fellow student to do a homework for them.

With homework as a school work that has to be done unsupervised at their homes, the whole goal of the homework was somehow proven unattainable. If students will only cheat their school works every time they were not being watched by their teachers then might as well let the whole concept of homework be disregarded. If homework cannot help students at all but rather gives them negative effects, let homework be removed in all students curriculum.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

HW#10: Survey Report

After gathering data as basis of the survey, the researcher picked out the right questions that can suffice the important factors that can verify whatever studies done abroad and know whether it is also applicable to Filipino students. The survey's respondents were all accounting students of the same block. The researcher made it sure that the answering of the surveys were simultaneous as to make sure that if there's clarifications regarding the questions it can be easily addressed; also, to monitor all the respondents and to make sure the preciseness of the result. The researcher also did some interviews also with some of the students in the block and also other students from other school. The difference with the questions in interview and in the questionnaire is that the in the interview the questions were more specific like the issue of homework concerning bullying, achievement tests related question, cheating, and effects on the attitude of students.

In the first question, 94% of the respondents said that they don't like homework because of the following reasons: the homework is the same thing with the things lectured in class that it already seemed redundant, they were already tired and all they want to do at home is to rest and other outside school activities, they were too lazy to do it, the homework assigned was too much in number, and the task is too stressful.

On the second question, the respondents didn't have any pattern on the way they have answered the item. The rates were all random except for the research assignment in which majority rated the most difficult of all and for the group assignment rated as the least most difficult in general.

The third question resulted 87.5% of the respondents said to spent more than thirty minutes and from those 14.29% spent more than five hours. Only 12.5% of the respondents answered that they spent less than half an hour in doing their homework.

In the fourth question, only two respondents said that homework isn't helpful with their studies. The rest of the respondents answered that homework does help them in their lessons. The reasons that have been cited are: because it does reinforce the information they have learned from the lectures in school, because it makes them advance in the lesson, because it assess them and also the teacher on what they have learned, because it recalls them on the past lessons, and because it initiates them to further search about the subject.

On the fifth question, majority of the respondents did have experienced not finishing or not doing it at all. They said it is because the homework was difficult, they did not understand the question, they do not know the answer, they have other task to do, they were too tired and sleepy to do it, and some said they were too lazy to do it and that their time wasn't managed well.

The last question was the part were the respondents were to give suggestions as a substitute to homework if they are not in favor with it. Since most respondents didn't like homework, many had answered this question.  but they all had almost similar answers. Some answers were to limit the days when homework should be assigned (like M-W-F) or let homework be not required. But the answer of most was to replace homework by more seatwork or activities, hands-on done at class so that it doesn't needed to be brought to school and also for the teachers to supervise the students to prevent cheating and tardiness.

In conclusion, with the result of the survey, the answers that the researcher have been expecting did came out. Most students didn't like homework and the reasons that they have stated are just like the findings from what the results are in foreign research. Although there is a little part where the findings had difference from the studies abroad is that Filipino students does find homework to be useful in their studies. That although they do not like homework it does help them in a way that they were reinforced with information, by the means of homework, after the class discussion. But all in all, the results of the survey almost did matched the expected results by the researcher.

HW#9: Types of Homework

Which would you prefer; a hundred pages of story to read, a ten chapter review to answer, a research and experimentation making, a project model of a structure, or a whole unit to be presented? Isn't it all a suicide task? If any of those were assigned to you with a very short period of deadline, I know some will just give up. Specially, if the kind of task assigned to you is the type that you've hated the most. So for example you hate to read and you were assigned to read a whole book as a requirement, most probably, you wouldn't finish the ask or just totally bail on it.

Numbers of homework had been assigned on students since the very first time they've entered school. There is these "read a story" or "draw something". Of course the "defining the terms" assignment is a usual kind also. But as we all know, each student has a preferred type of homework. And also, preference on what kind of assignment to be assigned is a crucial factor in the effectiveness of homework.

There are three main types of homework according to New South Wales Department of Education and Training: practice exercises, preparatory homework, and extension assignments. As what is said on the document created by the institution mentioned above, the three types of homework were defined as the following :

  • Practice exercises let students apply new knowledge or review, revise and reinforce newly acquired skills. Examples of such exercises are memorization of mathematical tables, practicing spelling words, essay writing and reading for pleasure.
  • Preparatory homework where students gain background information on a unit of study to better prepare them for future lessons, for example, reading and collecting geometric shapes.
  • Extension assignments encourage students to pursue knowledge individually and imaginatively. Assignments might include writing a book review, researching local news or retrieving items from the Internet. 
If all the different homework were to be classified in these three main types it would all fall on a particular type. Like all the math/science/English activities and exercises will fall on the the "practice exercises" type of homework. While those advance reading assignments, defining of terms for the future discussion falls on the "Preparatory homework" type. Lastly, all those tasks that needed further researching, additional activities for other information belongs on the "Extension assignment" type.

All different types of homework, if analyzed, have different goals and agendas to be met after each tasks were to be finished. A type aims to practice the student on what they have learned from the lesson and for them to be polished in all the parts of the lesson The other type goals to make students prepared for the incoming lectures; a brief overview on what will the lesson be about. While the other type's purpose is to add up more info that has not been included in the discussion proper. 

As what has been aforementioned, type of homework is a crucial factor in the effectiveness of homework. All types have different approach on the lessons and also with the students. Each types also serves different purposes to be achieved after each assigned homework. These little details should be given much attention when deciding what homework should be assigned to make sure that all efforts will be worth the prize. 

Effectiveness is a must!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HW#8: Intended Purposes of Homework

Homework is a usual task to all students. It's like a common thing when you're at school. After the class bell rung, it is certain that there would be take home activities or list of task to be done at home; as a school extension of things not done in school. Dictionary meaning of homework is, as defined by Merriam Webster Dictionaryan assignment given to a student to be completed outside the regular class period. In simple words, a task done not in school but usually at home -- maybe that is why it is called as homework.

I've been doing lots of homework ever since I started going to school. Then approximately, maybe I've done at least thousands of homework but the thing is, I never thought of knowing what are the purposes of homework really are. 

I have done research and I found this discussion paper entitled "HOMEWORK: What are the upsides and downsides?" and realized the purpose of why homework was designed. I found some obvious aims of homework and also those unexpected purposes that had never crossed my mind. The researcher compiled the idea of another researcher named Epstein that came up with The Ten Ps of homework. Each purpose was elaborated according to my understanding.
  • Practice – With homework, all the things that had been discussed in the classroom can be put into practice. By doing exercises based on the day's lesson, students can apply what they have learned from the lecture.
  • Preparation – Homework makes students be ready on the next lessons to be tackled. If there are things not yet that clear, assignments can clarify these questions and make them able to move on to another topic the next meeting.
  • Participation – Although not all students are that active in participating in class, homework can force them to do so. Despite of some students being passive about it they will be required to participate in the discussion with the help of homework.
  • Personal Development – With a task like homework being assigned on students it can create a sense of responsibilities among the students. They can acquire some competent study skills, giving attention in following direction and being conscious about the limited time given to finish the job. Also, with the grades given to each homework, the can boost their confidence by excelling some activities and having achievements through homework. Various activities assigned can open opportunities to students to explore and improve talents and skills.
  • Peer Interactions – Group tasks or homework can able students to collaborate wit each other and compare and share new ideas for the benefit of all. Working with a team also creates a good "teamwork" skill in all students. 
  • Parent-Child Relations – Homework can serve as a window for the parents and the students to have a good communication with each other and exchange ideas for the learning purposes.They can share ideas about expectations, school and how to apply the things they learn in real life. Also, this can be a means for the parents to give positive remarks for their children.
  • Parent-Teacher Communications  –  Homework does also bridges teachers and parents. With homework, teachers can fill in parents on the learning progress of their children and how and what are they learning so far.
  • Public Relations – A motivation is sometimes what homework is being assigned to. As to state that the school has a high standard to the families of the communities and one of its requirements is to accomplish these tasks or activities.
  • Policy  –  Some are already a part of policy and that schools are required to accomplish a certain task or activity as ordered by an educational institution. 
  • Punishment – Homework can also be served as punishment to students who lacks focus and attention in studying or when in class. Common example is writing some lines or essays on how to behave properly in class. But this purpose is not that accepted or rather in appropriate because as said in the discussion paper: "It serves merely as an exercise of teachers’ power to use up students time, with a negative focus on behavior rather than learning."
Given all the said intended purpose of homework, gave much clearer view of what homework and what it is for. As for my all the research I've currently done, homework seems to fail in meeting its aim and purpose. For according to some of my data, homework can result to the opposite of what is the intended outcomes should be.

Why are the adverse results occurring in spite of the positive intentions of how the homework is actually designed? The question that remained unanswered for the years of research done about the matter. The only thing sure is that there are lots and lots of factors and they kept on stacking and increasing as long as there are changes in our educational system -- as long as change is present the hunt for the answer in the question will always be left unclear. The thing we can only do is to catch up on these changes as close as we can possibly be.