Sunday, October 14, 2012

Assignment for 10-10-12

I. Narrow Down Topic

    A. Homework

        1. The use of homework in school.
        2. The effects of homework on students.
        3. The effects of homework on primary level students.
        4. The effects of homework on Filipino students.
        5. A comparative analysis of the effects of homework in secondary and primary students.

II. Make a Tentative Outline

    I. Purpose of Homework

    II. Factors Influencing Students Towards Homework

           A. Work Load
           B. School Hours
           C. Available Source of References
           D. Subject/Course
           E. Teacher/Instructors
           F. Type of Homework
                1. Reading Assignments
                2. Written Activities/ Exercises
                3. Research
                4. Group Assignments
                5. Individual Assignments

    III. Barriers Affecting Students' Attitude Towards Homework

          A. Different Assumptions about Homework
                1. Homework as a stressing activity.
                      a. School works are meant to be done on schools.
                      b. Homework takes away fun and free time.
                3. Homework are for geeks.
                4. Homework is just a small part of a students' grade.
                5. School works are meant to be done on schools.
                6. Homework is non-beneficial.
          B. Accessibility of Resources
                1. Internet Access
                2. Books/References
     IV. Recommendations

III. Informal ----> Formal

Teachers often assign homework before or after opening up a topic. Before because they believe that students' should at least have a background on the subject so that it'll be easier for them to understand the lesson. Or after the discussion for they believe that this can further make the students' understanding in the lecture better. But the question is, Does it really do any good? or just a pure superstition and a waste of time?

Homework is mostly assigned by teachers either before opening up a certain topic or after a discussion about the subject. The reason often mentioned by school faculties' is that students' may easily understand a lesson if a background about the subject matter could be apprehend prior. On the other hand, an after-discussion homework may help students further understand or learn more about the given lesson assumed by some teachers. Regarding this common assumptions, the question if do these common inferences have concrete basis or just a false belief, still remained unanswered.

IV. Statement of  the Problem

      "What are the Effects of Homework on Filipino Students?"


Unknown said...

Formal Writing Exercise: 9/10
Outline Exercise: 9/10

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