Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What's a Better Alternative for Homework? Three words--DLP.

Real Projects, Real Learning -- the famous slogan of my current school. I'm a freshman student of Asia Pacific College (APC) and this slogan is what my professors keep on mentioning to us. Whenever we were complaining with their given mind-blowing hands-on, seatworks or projects; this slogan of ours is always being reminded right onto our faces. The reason behind in this is that they believe that real projects or if it is learned through hands-on, the learning will also be as genuine.

In my experience, these hands-on activities does made a greater impact on me with regards to learning. If I were able to find or do something by myself, I pretty much think that I learned better than if it is done through  the typical manner -- discussions + assignments or vice versa. I even enjoy this new way of teaching where we students are the ones who discover the answers ourselves. Its like a mystery case wherein we are the detectives and the only ones who can solve the case.

If students can learn much more if they were given hands-on activities; then, homework should be effective. But why does it seem to be the opposite effect? Because there are also other factors needed to be considered like the students' point of view and guidance.

Students' Point of View -- If a given task is forcefully given to a student then the solution is also a forceful outcome. Where is the learning in that? Just like homework, if this will not be willingly done by students; then, it's purpose is already been damaged. That is why, teachers or instructors should also consider the opinion of their students. What is the best way for them to have the initiative or for them to learn as well as enjoy the given task? With both parties having a compromise, mission accomplish.

Guidance -- What's the point of this after-school tasks if students will just learn the wrong things. This is also a factor where homework has its fall back. Homework means it is done at home. Then, when it is done at home will they be guided? Who will guide them? There will be no teachers to ask if there as some uncleared parts to the given task. Parents can't always be relied on because some may not have the time and some may not have enough knowledge.

Recognizing this two factors, clearly shows that homework cannot succeed in achieving its main purposes -- enriching learning. Then maybe we should revise the whole thing or maybe have a better substitute to it like the so called Dynamic Learning Program (DLP).

I've read this DLP on an article titled School opening surprise: No more homework. I find it very good and thought that it might actually work. According to the article, this new approach in teaching created by a Filipino couple physicist, Christopher and Ma.Victoria Bernido, both regards the students' opinion and maintains guidance to them along the process of learning. More seatworks, less lecture and no homework is the setup of this program. Only 20% of the time inside the class is used in lecturing and the remaining time is used for the students to explore on their own and find answers for themselves. In this program, students wouldn't be "spoon-feed" but they will have to work hard to know the answers. But because it is still done at school, teachers can still observe what their students are doing. Thus, they can know if students are still in the right track.

What's another good thing about this, as said in the article, it doesn't need big budget to carry out the program. Paper and pen is enough to execute operations. They piloted DLP  on one of a secondary school in Cagayan de Oro and it showed a highly significant improvement in the major subjects. Also, the school is consistently having numbers of University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) passers. Which means that real learning is instilled with the students.

Innovative styles in teaching -- maybe this is the answer for a quality education. All we need to do is open our minds for new ideas to be applied on our education. Let us not rely on the things that we are using now; always have an eye for improvement.


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