Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HW#7: A Teachers Excuse.

"Okay class, were going to open a new topic next meeting. So, I'll be giving you a homework to have an overview and for you to learn in advance the lessons." -- have you ever heard of a line something like this? Your teacher asking you to define terms, search for a number of people, read about a process and such. Isn't that one of the most worse things you could ever heard of? But wait, there's more. "..and there would be a lucky person to report the lesson for us. So be ready." Okay, great! somebody will be a teacher for tomorrow. Weird, isn't it? I even remembered once that a teacher asked  us to do an assignment like this, a prior research about a science thing and she gave a book and instructed us to use that as our only reference -- the reference; her teachers' manual.

Isn't it weird that a teacher will lend a student his/her own manual which should only be used by teachers; to be used as an aid and a guide on what to teach to their children. I think, the reason they do that is for them to lessen their tasks and transfer their work in students. In that way, they won't have to worry about making anymore visual aid (notes/lesson) to give to their students and won't sweating too much in discussing the lesson; since they already have assigned students to do that and to figured those things for themselves.

They used these homework for their own benefit and not for the good of the students which is a very sad situation in our country's educational institutions. Not all teachers have this kind of intention, but we cannot also say that this is not true, for somehow it is really present in the school today. This homework is just an excuse -- that's how I see it.

This kind of assignment is an excuse themselves from their responsibilities. But what they don't know is that instead of helping their students to be independent and to learn by themselves they may lead them to a misdirection. Without much guidance of teachers on their students this is a dangerous risk for the children's learning. Teachers should always practice professionalism and consistency in spite of any other outside factors. As like what the article The Arguments Behind the Professionalization of Teaching, it can be detrimental to students. If they will just keep on assigning things to students and let them discussed things on their own. They can have misleading understandings that can only be aided if the teachers full supervision is given.

Homework is not really the worst thing in the world, but its promised benefits seem to be too good to be true. That some people abuses the concept of it, and take the opportunity to do something for their own interest. This leads to permanent imprint on people’s mind, as what had happen to this scenario. Teachers, as one of the most influential people on students, shouldn't be one of those who take advantage of homework. As to set example on their students; teachers, themselves shouldn't be the first one who uses things like homework in something it's not created to be used as.


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