Monday, October 29, 2012

Homework, Homework and Homework Again.

Have you ever told yourself any of these lines: "Oh! A homework. Yey me!", "I have a homework. This is awesome." or "Please teacher give us homework." Well, as for me, never in my life I said or even dared to utter those words for who even wants homework and second, all my classmates will kill me. But the thing is, why is these situations seems to be impossible to happen? A student liking to do homework.

The obvious answers will be like: "It's much fun just to watch television, play computer games, hang out with my friends than to go study AGAIN and do homework" or "I've been in the school all day in every five days of a week then in my own home, I'll still go study and make things much harder for myself." But dear students, homework can really help you in the future big time. Though it may not be academically but in other things like skills.

As what parents and teachers most often tell students, "It's a great investment for the future". And these saying, I do agree and disagree. Why because it is true for it has really good results for students but also false for it creates a sort of negative outcomes with regards the students' attitude.

If  you're much curious about what I'm talking about try to read an article that I've just read it is titled "Are you down with or done with homework?". It is a very interesting article for it is a compilation of different opinions about homework. And it may open or widen up your knowledge about this matter.

The overall message of the article is that it creates competency and preparedness on students. Since, we all know that everything in the future will be much complicated then this very hard task, homework will let you have a glimpse of what's to come. Alteast in the near future not everything will be much harder if you have already tasted a bit of this hardships.

That part is a good but the other point that is pretty much evident is the error of the parents. They sometimes bribe their children to do their homework. The conditions where the learners are only doing these task is because of a "luxury" bribe from their parents.

Parents can always make a way for their little ones to love homework but not in these way. The whole purpose of homework is just been thrown away. Bribery will only create a sense of greediness or maybe a start of being corrupted on students. If this will always be the way they'll do, might as well just let their children be not concern of homework anymore for they aren't learning anything good but being corrupt.

But the main issue is this, "What is the Roots of Why Homework Can't Be Effective?" A question I'll try to find answer. As I've learned different sides regarding this subject matter. I've seen that every party has an error to contribute and thus it should be made action because homework can affect everybody in every ways possible, isn't it?

Roots of Sour Attitudes and Wrong Mindsets

How many hours do you spend working on your homework? Ever went to school without even sleeping just to finish an assignment to be submitted the following day. A lot of students may have experienced this and even myself admits to have been through this situation. Isn't it too stressful and at the same time makes you fatigued both mentally and physically. But the question is, are they worth your efforts?

A typical student has a eight to ten subject for the whole year. Every subject sometimes has a different teacher. With these, teachers don't have the knowledge of what the other subject teachers are assigning to students which leads to a over work load for students.

Believing all the positive effects of homework, teachers assigned these as often and as much as possible. But what they do not know is that it really doesn't meet up the said benefits but rather promotes bad effects specially in the attitudes of the students.

I've read an article titled "The Myth About Homework" and my assumptions about homework had back-up my theories. This article shows how the academically related benefits are not being met up and just results to bad outcomes for the students.

Negative effect on students is that it can trigger a parent-child arguments. For as parents can always supervise their children with regard to homework 'cause it is being done at home. But the thing that parents sometimes do not pay attention is that children are sometimes too tired to do homework because of the day at school alone. The student tends to be stubborn which leads to a conflict between the child and their parents.

Also, with too much pressure being put on to students in addition with being stressed it pretty much leads to the worse effect on students, disinterest in learning. This is the point where students give up on the institution of learning. They started to think that their is no point in studying for they will just end up failing. This is probably the most tragic effect of homework to a learner.

The point of this stands is just try to consider all positions. Try not to be carried away on assigning things especially to children. We know that their understanding is not yet sufficient to understand all the things adults see in a thing; which means they need much more understanding. If they can't see any good on a thing do not force them to do it. Try to do it in a slow and gentle way because no positive outcome comes from a forceful input. Be reminded that children will always be children. Try to compromise instead of insisting what you only want. The students are the one's in need which means teachers and parents are the ones who should effort more in reaching out the learner. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


A. Background of the Study.

Homework helps instill knowledge and promotes better learning among students. As many of the studies done by researchers, constant practice or drills makes a student be much familiarize with the lecture and latter from there, it leads to an acquirement of skill. It is said that a frequent exposure of students in a topic that can help in the learning process as well as in making the lessons easier for the learner. Also, the said reason why homework tends to be such a hard task given by teachers in spite of the small percentage it partakes in a student's grade is because it serves as  a real-life example for in the reality everything is as complicated and as hard as what this task is implying. (

Not only educational benefits but also intrapersonal skills are given by homework. With homework and assignments given at most times and not all is that simple to make, sense of responsibility and independence is observe throughout these activities. One of the reasons why teachers give challenging types of homework is not just to test the students' academic abilities but also to enhance the intrapersonal skills of the children. (

As studied by numbers of researchers and experts, the positive outcomes tends to become unachieved anymore and much worse, there are more adverse effects outnumbering the said good results of homework on students. The studies show that the said positive outcomes that homework should be providing students are all but myths. Its negative effects over-rule students not only in the academically aspects but also psychologically, mentally and sometimes, physically. It tends to build up many conflicts like being stressed, mentally fatigued, frustration, family conflicts, lacking time for other activities or disinterest in learning. (

Filipino students have a lot of negative assumption towards homework. Whenever students were assigned or given homework; mostly, they immediately considered it as a burden rather than a help or something that is beneficial. Students immediately jump into conclusions regarding this task without further knowing the effects of homework, specially the positive effects.

Other than the imprinted mentality of the students, one of the main reasons why most students tend to reject homework is that teachers do not regard their position. With all different subjects likely to assign numerous amount of homework in addition with home responsibilities and outside school activities, the given twenty-four hours in a whole day seems to be not enough to finish the entire task that students needed to be done.


Since, there have been numerous studies done abroad about homework, these foreign findings and studies should to be tested locally to prove the accurateness of these researches as a consideration on cultural differences. Given all the evident advantages and disadvantages of homework on students, this research focuses on the effects of homework on Filipino students.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:

1. What are the effects of homework on Filipino Students?

C. Significance of the Study

Students. Knowledge on both sides of the effects of homework may broaden a student’s understanding and correct misconceptions towards homework. Furthermore, the researcher hopes to open up new perspectives which can make some curious students interested on the subject matter and make similar studies for the betterment of the current educational status with regard to homework.

Parents. As the main guardian or forebearers of the students, learning information on how students were affected by homework maybe a considerable help. For homework is done at home, these tasks may greatly affect children or students in many aspects; parents can easily supervise the reaction and performance of their children. As parents, if these have adverse effect, this research can assist in ways to fix these problems.

Teachers and Professors. This research paper would benefit teachers and professors because information could be used to revise current lesson plans and activities for the greater benefits of students.

Future Researchers. This study will adequately help future researchers to make similar studies; since, there are still lots of concerns regarding the local educational system specifically, homework. There have also been many researches about this matter done on the other countries but because their findings cannot fully be proven true in the local setting; then, this study can encourage future researchers to further study about this subject matter locally. This research paper can also be utilized as a source of valuable data and information that is also based on other researches and studies.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses in the effects of homework on Filipino students. Homework is said to have number of benefits given to student; but in these times, it is also said to have more adverse effects than the positive outcomes. This research will try to find out reasons on why these said effects were experienced by students.

Due to time constraints, this study would point more on why negative effects outnumbers the positive effects of homework on students although both sides are still to be presented on the research paper. With this emphasis given, revisions, solutions, and recommendations can be given much attention and details. This study will only impart some factors and effects due to the limited time given to conduct research. Aside from time constraint, the respondents will not encompass all levels, for the respondents will mostly come from high school and college students. Another factor that limits the study is that primary data and information are generally proven only on a local setting.

E. Materials and Methods

This research will use a descriptive method since the researchers aim to describe and to discuss the effects of homework on Filipino students which are a subject matter that is an essential concern on the current educational system in the Philippines. This method is defined as "...method involving collection of data n order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study." (Gay 1976). With the aim of this method, descriptive method can be considered as an applicable approach for the study.

Information relevant to the study was gathered from various reference materials such as thesis and articles from online sources. Surveys and interviews on students were also done to gather more data and strengthen the findings of the research.

F. Definition of Terms

Assessment. Gathering information about the level of performance of individual students.

Comprehension. The way in which ideas are organized into categories.

Electronic Discussion Board. Computer discussion area where individuals can post messages and other individuals will respond at a later time.

Evaluation. Process of assessing work completed by an individual, group, or institution with the aim of determining whether the individual, group, or institution has meet predetermined standards.

Exercise. Problem, task or other activity aimed at developing or improving a person's skill or knowledge.

Handout. Typically a sheet provided to all members of group that contains vital information, a task to be completed, or other guidelines for an assignment.

Hypothesis. An assumption, interpretation, or guess based on currently available information.

Intrapersonal Skill. Ability to understand one's own emotions, goals, and intentions.

Knowledge. The facts and data of a subject.

Lecture. Sharing information with students verbally.

Lesson Plan. An outline of goals and objectives, activities designed to help students achieve those goals, and objectives and ways to assess whether students have actually reached those goals and objectives.

Mentor.  An experienced teacher who assists a new colleague.

Performance. The ability to effectively use new information in a productive manner.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Teachers as an Instrument.

Teachers are the second parents of the students. Since, us students spent most time in school they are the ones who are mostly with us. Some may be much closer to their teachers than their own parents. Some students may hate their teachers so much or worse, fear them. This only means teachers can greatly influence or affect their students. If these assumption can be proven then, with the help of the parents, they will be the answer to the students behavior towards school.

One of the most intriguing issue in school is homework. The very long debate on whether to have or remove homework in a student's curriculum. But if the first assumption is true then teachers will be a great instrument to help students for the betterment. Since, the homework thing is still arguable. While they work on that matter, let us work on what we have right now.

This article Four Ways to Encourage Students to Complete Homework can be a guide for teachers in making their students do homework. Following are the four ways stated in the article:

1. Set a Solid Homework Policy as your Foundation

Communicate to both your students and their parents. Clearly lay out to them your policies and let their parents also have a copy. So that they can also be informed on what their children will do with regards this task. Also have a planner shown to your students showing them what they'll be doing for a period of time.

2. Online Blackboard

With our advance technology, let us take advantage in it. Have an online blackboard where you can easily put updates and answer questions of both the students and their parents. Since children of these generation is so inclined with the modern technology, being able to access this online blackboard won't be any problem.

3. Create a Reward System

Creating reward for students who completes their homework and submitting it on time will encourage students both those who follows the policy and those who are not really working on their homework. Do a weekly or monthly-basis reward instead of a daily-basis reward.

4. Create Assignments That Involve the Student's Interests

Try to put attention on what your students are interested in because "Not only will this help you accomplish the goal, it will remind your students of their strengths and help to improve their self-esteem." as the author of the article states.

Teachers, students, and parents working together -- this maybe the perfect way to aid the never ending problem to this homework situation. Regarding all different point of views; then, from their make the action and voila! the answer to our problem. Listen to each sides and have reflections and we'll see things much clearer. Everybody is an instrument, all we need to do is to know what role do we have; then, Homework done!

When is Enough, ENOUGH?

School days are mostly from Monday up to Friday. Almost 72% of students' days in a week is spent on school. Every day, at least 6 to 10 hours per day were spent on school. If we estimate the total hours spent on school, inside the classroom, of an average student it can be about 45% of time a year. Do you think that's a worth of their time? Wouldn't there be other much better things to do with that allotted time? Not to mention, we're only talking about the time spent inside the classroom and the after school activities are not yet included. So, if we added that in the computation of the percentage on time spent in school and other related activities; the figures will be much higher and can even reach the 50% level which is for me is too much. Would you agree?

Look at this study on the percentage of students who spend number of hours in daily homework. We can see that our country, Philippines, has higher percentage on elementary students than on middle school students. What maybe are the reasons? Let's have a reflection about it. If you're a teenager or you have a teenager then try to picture out what maybe the reasons are.

DISTRACTIONS -- This maybe the answer why. Like the following: Side by side mall there; Online, arcade, and other types of computer related games; Social networking sites like Facebook and twitter: Texting and chatting; or other new leisure introduced to our generation today.

What can we do about it? Of course, when there is distraction try to regain their attention to what is important. If teachers cannot help students to aid these issue then, surely parents can with their children. All they have to do is to know what to do after, apply it.

This article that I've read can be the first steps to parents-children right teamwork onto homework making; Tips On Getting Your Teen To Do Their Homework. Explained with my own understanding, these are some ways cited on the article :

  • Create an environment geared toward your teen. According to the article, put yourself on your teenager's shoe. After a long day at school, homework is the last thing they wanted to do. First, find where your children is most comfortable in your home to do their work and if possible, provide them all the things the might need with their school works. So, they won't have to worry to go look for things and just focus on what they must do.
  • Pick a time and stick to it. Make a routine that your child will follow. It's much better if there is a agreed time on when to do homework, so that they won't have any reason to not do it. Also, give consequences. If they don't do their homework on the agreed time, it is understood that there will be a punishment.
  • Don't let your teen overwhelm himself/herself. Too much of a good thing is still dangerous. Be reminded, that this teenagers are still teenagers. Too much pressure and workload is not good for their age. Never cross that line wherein making them to do too much can even cause something much worse.
  • Now drop it! This means that parent's should be involve in making their child's homework or activities but limit it as much. Do not do any of their work. Parents' job is motivate, guide, and answer their child's question if there is.

There is a fine line between enough and too much. Teachers, students and even parents should take note on this matter. Having the right balance on things should always be observed even in the most smallest things like homework. Because an imbalance in something may lead to an irregularity on another thing which can be a domino-like effect and it'll be much harder to fix if many variables had already been affected. So, let's start from the bottom of things. Let's start from homework. 


What's a Better Alternative for Homework? Three words--DLP.

Real Projects, Real Learning -- the famous slogan of my current school. I'm a freshman student of Asia Pacific College (APC) and this slogan is what my professors keep on mentioning to us. Whenever we were complaining with their given mind-blowing hands-on, seatworks or projects; this slogan of ours is always being reminded right onto our faces. The reason behind in this is that they believe that real projects or if it is learned through hands-on, the learning will also be as genuine.

In my experience, these hands-on activities does made a greater impact on me with regards to learning. If I were able to find or do something by myself, I pretty much think that I learned better than if it is done through  the typical manner -- discussions + assignments or vice versa. I even enjoy this new way of teaching where we students are the ones who discover the answers ourselves. Its like a mystery case wherein we are the detectives and the only ones who can solve the case.

If students can learn much more if they were given hands-on activities; then, homework should be effective. But why does it seem to be the opposite effect? Because there are also other factors needed to be considered like the students' point of view and guidance.

Students' Point of View -- If a given task is forcefully given to a student then the solution is also a forceful outcome. Where is the learning in that? Just like homework, if this will not be willingly done by students; then, it's purpose is already been damaged. That is why, teachers or instructors should also consider the opinion of their students. What is the best way for them to have the initiative or for them to learn as well as enjoy the given task? With both parties having a compromise, mission accomplish.

Guidance -- What's the point of this after-school tasks if students will just learn the wrong things. This is also a factor where homework has its fall back. Homework means it is done at home. Then, when it is done at home will they be guided? Who will guide them? There will be no teachers to ask if there as some uncleared parts to the given task. Parents can't always be relied on because some may not have the time and some may not have enough knowledge.

Recognizing this two factors, clearly shows that homework cannot succeed in achieving its main purposes -- enriching learning. Then maybe we should revise the whole thing or maybe have a better substitute to it like the so called Dynamic Learning Program (DLP).

I've read this DLP on an article titled School opening surprise: No more homework. I find it very good and thought that it might actually work. According to the article, this new approach in teaching created by a Filipino couple physicist, Christopher and Ma.Victoria Bernido, both regards the students' opinion and maintains guidance to them along the process of learning. More seatworks, less lecture and no homework is the setup of this program. Only 20% of the time inside the class is used in lecturing and the remaining time is used for the students to explore on their own and find answers for themselves. In this program, students wouldn't be "spoon-feed" but they will have to work hard to know the answers. But because it is still done at school, teachers can still observe what their students are doing. Thus, they can know if students are still in the right track.

What's another good thing about this, as said in the article, it doesn't need big budget to carry out the program. Paper and pen is enough to execute operations. They piloted DLP  on one of a secondary school in Cagayan de Oro and it showed a highly significant improvement in the major subjects. Also, the school is consistently having numbers of University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) passers. Which means that real learning is instilled with the students.

Innovative styles in teaching -- maybe this is the answer for a quality education. All we need to do is open our minds for new ideas to be applied on our education. Let us not rely on the things that we are using now; always have an eye for improvement.

Monday, October 15, 2012

No Homework at all: A Wrong Move

A "No weekend homework" policy in the Philippines. Most students tends to rejoice about this and even I think it is an absolute pro-students policy. Imagine a whole weekend with no homework to worry, one of the many students' burden is finally lifted. It is like for the first time, the authorities have hear out our side -- a students' point of view. But is this move a good move?

Homework said to be an instrument that can further nourish a student's knowledge on a certain topic. But with this, being limitedly given, can this be a negative approach to our education's problems? We just disregarded all the said benefits we can get in having homework, for the leisure time given to students. Think about it, try to look at it from both sides.

I've talk to some people regarding this issue and it seems that most, pretty much agrees with it. The reason maybe behind these is that they are mostly students. So, to further learn on this issue, I read articles regarding it. One opinion caught my attention, she is not in favor with this policy; which is not usual. You can also read it in the "opinion" part of a famous broadsheet newspaper Manila Bulletin titled "Homework or no homework".

The reader named Ivy A. Asuncion, 29 years old and a mother of 3 elementary students, said that homework can be "counter-productive". If it can't fully give a education improvement then it will surely teach students good values and essential skills like time-management, resourcefulness, and independence.

Time management can be attained if a person can manage to efficiently finished all his/her tasks with still enough time for other things. In homework, like what is mentioned in the article, finishing it on time but still having time for extra curricular activities is an example of time-management. She also said that this is a great practice for the future. Because in the future, time management will really come in handy.

Students will also be resourceful and independent as what Ivy also mentioned. They will have to find answers for there assignment; thus, they will use different sources to aid their requirements. With that they will learn how to be resourceful. Being independent or can manage to do well alone can also be developed with the use of homework. The students aren't just gonna rely on their teachers to learn, but they also have to do efforts to know about the lessons or topic and this will encourage independence. This two skills, like the first mentioned, is needed especially in the so called "real world". These "organizational skills" will be a great help for the students in the future.

"Looking into the bright side of everything" is the best quotation I can relate on the this matter. Homework may look like to be just a pure suffering but as we try to look at in a different perspective, a different side we discover. I learned to appreciate the hidden benefits of this commonly complaint thing, that all we need to do is look at it much deeper. Like this skills and values that can be earned with doing homework, as I can see it, they are a great investment for the future. Then maybe we should learn to appreciate this thing more than to keep on complaining and moaning about it -- that is the right move that we should do.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Assignment for 10-10-12

I. Narrow Down Topic

    A. Homework

        1. The use of homework in school.
        2. The effects of homework on students.
        3. The effects of homework on primary level students.
        4. The effects of homework on Filipino students.
        5. A comparative analysis of the effects of homework in secondary and primary students.

II. Make a Tentative Outline

    I. Purpose of Homework

    II. Factors Influencing Students Towards Homework

           A. Work Load
           B. School Hours
           C. Available Source of References
           D. Subject/Course
           E. Teacher/Instructors
           F. Type of Homework
                1. Reading Assignments
                2. Written Activities/ Exercises
                3. Research
                4. Group Assignments
                5. Individual Assignments

    III. Barriers Affecting Students' Attitude Towards Homework

          A. Different Assumptions about Homework
                1. Homework as a stressing activity.
                      a. School works are meant to be done on schools.
                      b. Homework takes away fun and free time.
                3. Homework are for geeks.
                4. Homework is just a small part of a students' grade.
                5. School works are meant to be done on schools.
                6. Homework is non-beneficial.
          B. Accessibility of Resources
                1. Internet Access
                2. Books/References
     IV. Recommendations

III. Informal ----> Formal

Teachers often assign homework before or after opening up a topic. Before because they believe that students' should at least have a background on the subject so that it'll be easier for them to understand the lesson. Or after the discussion for they believe that this can further make the students' understanding in the lecture better. But the question is, Does it really do any good? or just a pure superstition and a waste of time?

Homework is mostly assigned by teachers either before opening up a certain topic or after a discussion about the subject. The reason often mentioned by school faculties' is that students' may easily understand a lesson if a background about the subject matter could be apprehend prior. On the other hand, an after-discussion homework may help students further understand or learn more about the given lesson assumed by some teachers. Regarding this common assumptions, the question if do these common inferences have concrete basis or just a false belief, still remained unanswered.

IV. Statement of  the Problem

      "What are the Effects of Homework on Filipino Students?"

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Misconceptions about Homework?

"Practice makes Perfect"

This may be one of the  most famous quotations known to mankind. Even I admit that I've already used this quote for a number of times. In essays, reports and in speeches. But the thing is, do I even  believe in this saying? In some instances, YES. But in some, No. Let's take singing and studying for example. In singing, the more you practice the more you got better. How about in studying, is this assumption still applicable?

As a student myself, practicing in studying is what we called as homework. Since preschool this practice was already been observed but in this times the children still see homework as an enjoyable activity. They even look forward in dong this but as we reach level in education higher, the lessons gets harder. With that, teachers tends to give homework most of the time. A hard lesson then a number of homework, the said "enjoyable activity" suddenly turns into a "burden" for most students.

Teachers often assign homework before or after opening up a topic. Before because they believe that students' should at least have a background on the subject so that it'll be easier for them to understand the lesson. Or after the discussion for they believe that this can further make the students' understanding in the lecture better. But the question is, Does it really do any good? or just a pure superstition and a waste of time?

As my curiosity got bigger, I started reading articles about this matter. I've read few articles and some studies regarding homework, but one stood out for me. This article of Alfie Kohn entitled, The Truth About Homework. He mentioned different points regarding homework. He even cited conducted researches and surveys on the said subject. But what most marked on me is the part where he said that more time studying like doing homework doesn't automatically leads to betters learning.

The author stated in the article  "homework “reinforces” the skills that students have learned – or, rather, have been taught -- in class" which is said to be one of the wrong misconception of teachers about homework. Having the students to do more in a subject, the deeper they will understand the lesson. Like, doing more Math exercises will make you good in that particular topic. In these article, it does not agree with this presumption of teacher in why they give loads and loads of homework. Kohn said that if ever this "repetition" will make any positive effect on students, what kind of proficiency will this improvement will be?

Another interesting point he raised is that if ever homework does creates positive outcome on students' performance, does it really need to be done at home? If students do better if they have someone to discuss or compare their ideas and works with, then it can be just done in school than to be taken at home. Also, what if the student didn't really have any clue or can't understand the assigned lesson then it'll just be a waste of time and effort. Frustrating as a student can be, they won't be any near in being productive.

May be the solution to this "homework issues" is to take consider of the students also. Teachers should not just assign things without thinking if this will really help students and not just because of the thought that giving these homework will make their job easier. In the first place, their purpose is to teach and guide the students not to teach students on how to study by themselves. I'm not saying that homework should totally be diminished, it's just other factors are needed to be regarded before making any assumption of what these actions (like giving homework) will actually bring to students.

Education still have flaws that is needed to be polished. Perhaps they should review all little aspects and if possible have some revisions. They could start from one of the tiniest branch, homework.


As I read the article of Alfie Kahn, I've come up with these follow-up questions and where can I find answers to these.

  • Follow up questions for research:
    1. Why does homework said to have more negative effects on students than have positive effects?
    2. How much time does an average student consumes in making homework?
    3. Does teachers disregard students' point of view with regards to giving homework?
  • Sources of Information
    • Thesis or Studies (regarding homework)
    • Articles
    • Surveys
    • Interviews